H2O is the molecule that is most abundant on the Earth's surface and is also the most misunderstood. Water exists in three well-known physical states: solid ice, liquid water, and gaseous steam. However, in recent years, a fourth state of water has been discovered. This structured, gel-like state of water is found inside living matter, particularly around biological membranes, providing us with a new understanding of the important role water plays in living organisms.
​Emilio Del Giudice, an Italian physicist, was one of the early scientists who proposed the idea of a biologically significant state of water. In his explanation of the coherent state of water as a part of the overall theory of quantum electrodynamics, he highlighted its crucial function in transmitting information within biological substances.
Dancing to its
own beat
How does this occur? According to Del Giudice's theory, when atoms and molecules combine, they can adopt various spatial configurations. The behaviour of the particles within these configurations can undergo significant changes between each configuration.
Quantum particles, like water molecules, constantly undergo quantum fluctuations and shift between low and high energy states. This process leads to the production of their own electromagnetic fields. When a certain density and temperature are reached, these molecules begin to interact with their self-produced electromagnetic field through their intrinsic electric charges and magnetic moments. As a result, the particles and their electromagnetic fields become coupled and start oscillating in phase, sharing the same frequency. The energy of the field becomes trapped and cannot be dissipated outward anymore. This synchronised arrangement of water molecules, where they exist in a harmonious and self-synchronised state, is referred to as the coherent state of water.
Aǹalemma Water products work alongside your normal filtration method. Filtering is an essential process especially in view of all the nasties in our tap water now days. When you filter your water you remove the physical properties of the toxin but their energetic residue and data (think of it as DNA - all the harmful information that the toxin holds) remains in your water for your consumption!
Aǹalemma Water devices not only neutralise these toxic and damaging toxins but the Aǹalemma products also work to create Full Spectrum PERMANENTLY Coherent Water allowing every ounce that you drink or bathe in to work in complete harmony with your body - bringing coherence, peace and balance back to your mind & body permanently.
Analemma Water is as yet, the ONLY company in the WORLD to have the ability to produce PERMANENTLY structured water as opposed to other companies who's products can only hold their structure for between a minute and a half and 2.5 days.
Our products undergo rigorous testing to ensure compliance with the highest standards of safety and efficiency.
To make PERMANATLY Structured Water
Aǹalemma's water purification products have exceeded my expectations. The installation was seamless, and the water quality is unmatched. I highly recommend their solutions to anyone looking for reliable water purification systems.
We are 99% water - and that counts for something
The coherent state of water is most important when considering its role in living beings. According to the theory, when water comes into contact with biological surfaces, it tends to enter a coherent state. This organised arrangement allows water to act as a medium for transmitting important information between the cells, tissues, and organs of our body.
This significant role is best demonstrated by the fact that 99% of molecules in the human body are made up of water. Similar to bubble-wrap, water envelops all major biomolecules and can easily fit into narrow spaces within long chain-like molecules such as DNA and proteins. In this close association between water and biological matter, water is believed to share its coherent oscillations with the surrounding biological gaps and, through this shared resonance, profoundly influence their biological functions.
The effects on Biology
Although the fundamental aspects of coherent water are still being researched, we have made significant progress in proving the beneficial effects of Aǹalemma water on living organisms. Our scientific studies have shown that coherent water can increase mitochondrial output, have positive effects on the gut microbiome, enhance the anti-inflammatory activity of the human immune system, and improve the vitality of plants and soil. These findings highlight the remarkable advantages of coherent water for humans and their surrounding environment.